第11部分(1 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 4 英文 作者:古詩樂

of a blackChristian Dior evening gown。K andI putting up NOLOITERINGsigns around theLes

Best tent。 It looks like they actuallyvolunteered their services so they could get good seats。

It?s supposed to snow like crazy this weekend but has that ever stopped us? See you in the front


You know you love me。

gossip girl

kindred spirits connect in rehab

?Has everyone heard about the snowstorm? We?re supposed to get four feet by midnight!? Jackie

Davis; Nate?s teen group facilitator at the Breakaway Rehabilitation Center; rubbed her hands

together as if the idea of being snowed in with all these rich derelicts was her idea of a rocking

good time。

After Nate had gotten busted in the park; his father and Saul Burns; the family lawyer; had e

to fetch him at the precinct。 Nate?s father; a stern; silver…haired navy captain who handled

emergencies with crisp; efficient formality; had paid the fine of three thousand dollars and

cosigned an agreement that Nate would immediately attend a drug rehabilitation program for a

minimum of ten hours per week。 That meant Nate was going to have to ride the train out to

Greenwich; Connecticut; five days a week for counseling and group therapy。

?Just think of it as a job; son;? Saul Burns had tried to reassure him。 ?An after…school job。?

Captain Archibald hadn?t said anything。 It was pretty clear that Nate had disappointed him beyond

words。 Luckily Nate?s mother had been in Monte Carlo visiting her thrice…divorced sister。 When

Nate had relayed the sordid tale over the phone she?d shrieked and wept; smoked five cigarettes in

rapid succession; and then broken her champagne glass。 She was always a lit

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