第15部分(1 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 4 英文 作者:古詩樂

or may not determine my entire near future。 Wish me luck!

You know you love me。

gossip girl

romancing the stoner

?We can ask the butler to take his clothes off and play the piano for us;? Georgie told Nate。 ?He

does whatever I tell him to。?

When group therapy had been over and it was time for the outpatients to go home; the storm had

already been so bad; Nate couldn?t get a car to take him to the station; so Georgie had offered to

give him a ride。 Then when they?d gotten to the station the trains had stopped running; so the

ever…acmodating Georgie had taken Nate home to her house in her bodyguard…driven black

Range Rover。 Now they were sitting on the floor of her enormous; luxurious bedroom; getting

stoned as they watched the snow pile up on the skylight overhead。

The Upper East Side town house Nate had grown up in was four stories high and had its own

elevator and a twenty…four…hour cook。 But Georgie?s Greenwich; Connecticut; mansion had

something his family?s town house didn?t?vast amounts of space inside; and acres of land around

the house。 It was like a city unto itself; and Georgie had her own private borough where she could

do absolutely whatever she pleased while her ancient English nanny was in bed watching BBC

America and the other servants were doing their jobs in the other boroughs。 Georgie?s bathroom

even had a Roman daybed in it for lounging on while she waited for her twelve…foot…wide marble

Jacuzzi to fill up。

?Or we could have crazy loud sex on the stairs;? Georgie added。 ?That would really drive the

staff nuts。?

Nate leaned his head back against the footboard of Georgie?s four…poster king…sized bed

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