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小說:微軟的夢工場 作者:大刀闊斧

ter science research; the lab has helped train thousands of young scientists and engineers from across the region。

Microsoft is a global pany and our success depends upon our ability to attract the best talent from around the world。 That's the basic idea behind Microsoft Research Asia—to create a great research lab where we can bring together the very brightest people from across China and Asia。 We then provide them with the expertise; the ideas; and the resources that only Microsoft can offer; so they can focus on a new generation of breakthroughs and discoveries。 Because of your hard work and inspiration; this approach has been even more successful than we could have hoped。

To my friends; colleagues; and partners at Microsoft Research Asia; I want to extend my thanks for your incredible contributions。 Congratulations for 10 years of great work。 I look forward to seeing how the innovations you will deliver in the next decade will continue to make the world a better place。

Bill Gates

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“MSRA”的n種含義 林宙辰


新來的員工估計只知道“MSRA”是“Microsoft Research Asia”的簡拼。這當然是最簡單的解釋了。“Microsoft Research Asia”在2002年以前叫“Microsoft Research China”,由於和“Microsoft Research Cambridge”的簡拼相同,一度採用“MSRCN”作為簡拼。不過2001年底升格後,就走出了“避諱”的陰影。而工齡在五年以上的員工才會知道“MSRA”還可以解釋成“Microsoft Red Army”。

這是從2003年青島offsite上叫開的。當時所有員工都要做野外拓展,以加強員工間相互瞭解和增進合作意識。員工分成八個組,每個組起一個代號。我是我所在組的組長,我的組的服色是墨綠色,受“野外拓展”的啟發,取“野戰排”為代號。而Harry 所在組的代號是“微軟紅軍”,這顯然是受了他們的服色為紅色的啟發。他們很是為這個代號而洋洋得意,見人就吹噓他們的組如何英勇頑強,肯定能拿冠軍 ,結果卻拿了個第三。不過Harry因為“微軟紅軍”的名字感到意氣風發,他顯然是把整個研究院都看成“微軟紅軍”了。有此濫觴,隨著研究院的影響日益擴大,“MSRA”後來就演變成了“Microsoft Research Army”的簡拼,2004年有同事甚至設計了“微軟軍團”的臂章(見下圖),彰顯研究院在計算機研究方面有“席捲天下,包舉宇內,囊括四海之意,併吞八荒之心”。Harry也經常跟人開玩笑:“MSRA stands for Microsof

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