第270部分(1 / 7)

Jia Chong went to Zhuge Dan to ask him to convey to the army the appreciation of the soldiers' services。 Jia Chong was received courteously; and at a banquet; when host and guest were both mellow with wine; Jia Chong set himself to discover Zhuge Dan's feelings。

Jia Chong said; 〃Lately in Luoyang there has been much talk of the weakness and lack of ability of the Emperor and his unfitness to rule。 Now General Sima Zhao es of a family noted for state service for three generations。 His own services and virtues are high as the heavens; and he is the man best fitted to take the rulership of Wei。 Is this not your opinion?〃

But Zhuge Dan did not favor the suggestion。 On the contrary; he broke out angrily; 〃You are a son of Jia Kui of Yuzhou; and your family have received the bounty of Wei。 Yet you dare speak of rebellion!〃

Jia Chong said; 〃I only repeat what people have said。〃

Zhuge Dan said; 〃If the state is in difficulty; then one ought to stand up for it even to the death!〃

Jia Chong said no more。 He soon returned and told Sima Zhao what had been said。

〃The rat!〃 cried Sima Zhao; angrily。

〃Zhuge Dan is exceedingly popular there in the South of River Huai; and if he is left too long; he will do harm。〃

Sima Zhao began to take measures。 He wrote privately to Yue Chen; Imperial Protector of Yangzhou; and sent a messenger to Zhuge Dan with an edict making him Minister of Works。 This meant that Zhuge Dan had to e to the capital。

But Zhuge Dan knew that Jia Chong had done him mischief; and he interrogated the messenger; who told him that Yue Chen knew all about the matter。

〃How does he know?〃

〃General Sima Zhao sent him a private letter。〃

The messenger was condemned to death。 Then Zhuge Dan pl

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