第205部分(1 / 7)

f the enemy; fifty thousand under General Chang Diao; with the aid of Zhuge Qian and Wang Shuang; had made a dash for Ruxu; so he hastened back and found the officers were in great fear。

Drawing his sword; he made a speech; 〃Success depends upon the leader rather than on the number of soldiers。 The Art of War says that the value of one soldier who inhabits the place equals that of two soldiers who e from afar; and those who are hosts; however in small number; can overe those who are guests。 Now the enemy is weary from a long march; and I and you; my men; can hold this place together。 We have the Great River to defend us on the south; and we are backed by the mountains on the north。 Success should be ours easily; and we are as hosts at home awaiting the arrival of our weary visitors。 This will give us victory in every fight。 Even if Cao Pi es; we need feel no anxiety。 How much less care we for Cao Ren and his troops?〃

Zhu Huan he issued orders to furl all the banners and to silence all the drums as if the city was empty of defenders。

In time; Chang Diao and his veterans of the van came to the city。 Not a person was visible; and he hastened forward with all speed。 But as he neared the city; suddenly a bomb went off。 Immediately up rose a forest of flags; and out dashed Zhu Huan with his sword drawn。 And he made for Chang Diao。 In the third encounter Zhu Huan cut down Chang Diao; and the troops of Wu; rushing to the attack; thoroughly routed the invaders; slaying innumerable soldiers。 Beside scoring a plete victory; Zhu Huan took much spoil of flags and weapons and horses。

Cao Ren himself; ing up later; was attacked by the troops from Xianxi and was also routed。 He fled home to his master with the news of defeat and destruction。

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