第230部分(1 / 7)

the arrows flew down in great numbers。 When the soldiers of Wei retired; Meng Da opened the gates and went in pursuit。 But the whole of Sima Yi's army soon came up; and the banners stood so thick that they hid the sun。

〃This is what Zhuge Liang foresaw!〃 said Meng Da despairingly。 The gates were closed and barred。

Meanwhile the wounded general; Xu Huang; had been borne to his tent; where the arrow head was extracted and the physician attended to him。 But that night he died。 He was fifty…nine。 His body was sent to Luoyang for burial。

Next day; when Meng Da went up on the wall; he saw the city was entirely surrounded as with a girdle of iron。 He was greatly perturbed and could not decide what to do。 Presently he saw two bodies of troops ing up; their banners bearing the names of his fellow conspirators………Shen Yi and Shen Dan。 He could only conclude that they had e to his help; so he opened the gates to them and went out to join them in the fight。

〃Rebel; stay!〃 cried they both as they came up。

Realizing that they had been false; he turned and galloped toward the city; but a flight of arrows met him; and the two who had betrayed him; Li Gu and Deng Xian; began to revile him。

〃We have already yielded the city!〃 they cried。

Then Meng Da fled。 But he was pursued; and as he and his horse were both exhausted; he was speedily overtaken and slain。 They exposed his head; and his soldiers submitted。 Sima Yi was weled at the open gates。 The people were pacified; the soldiers were rewarded and; this done; a report of their success was sent to Cao Rui。

Cao Rui ordered the body of Meng Da to be exposed in the market place of Luoyang; and he promoted Shen Yi and Shen Dan and gave them posts in the army of Sima Yi。 He gave Li Gu

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