第190部分(1 / 7)

Cao Cao smiled。 〃I have served the Hans for many years。 Even if I have acquired some merit; yet I have been rewarded with a princedom and high rank。 I dare not aspire to greater things。 If the finger of heaven points to me; then shall I be as King Wen of Zhou*。〃

〃As Sun Quan acknowledges himself your servant and promises obedience; you; my lord; can confer a title upon him and assign to him the duty of attacking Liu Bei;〃 said Sima Yi。

Approving of the suggestion; Cao Cao gave Sun Quan the titles of General of the Flying Cavalry and Lord of Nanzhang; and appointed him to the Imperial Protectorship of Jingzhou。 Forthwith this mand was sent away to Sun Quan。

Cao Cao's condition grew worse daily。 One night he had a dream of three horses feeding out of the same manger。

Next day he told it to Jia Xu; saying; 〃I saw three horses feeding on the same manger before the family of Ma Teng was harmed。 Last night I saw the same dream again。 How do you interpret it?〃

〃The horses were feeding on bounty: It is auspicious to dream of dignity;〃 replied Jia Xu。 〃And naturally such an honor es to the Caos。 I do not think you need feel any misgivings。〃

Cao Cao was forted。

Cao Cao dreamed three steeds together fed;

The vision seers could not explain;

None guessed how soon; when Cao Cao was dead;

One dynasty would rule again。

Ah; yes; Cao Cao had vainly wrought;

Of none avail each wicked wile;

For; later; in Wei court; there fought

Against him one with equal guile。

That night Cao Cao became worse。 As he lay on his couch he felt dizzy and could not see; so he rose and sat by a table; upon which he leaned。 It seemed to him that someone shrieked; and; peering into the darkness; he perceiv

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