第181部分(5 / 7)

his officers。 And when Pang De set his soldiers to reviling the warrior; Guan Ping saw to it that his father never heard it。 After ten days of challenges hurled uselessly at an army that ignored them; Pang De took council with Yu Jin。

〃Evidently Guan Yu is helpless from the effects of that arrow…wound。 We ought to advance all our seven armies against him while he is ill and destroy his camp。 Thereby we shall relieve Fancheng。〃

Thus spoke Pang De; but jealousy of the glory that might accrue to his next in mand again made Yu Jin urge caution and obedience to the mand of the Prince of Wei。 Yu Jin refused to move his army in spite of Pang De's repeated persuasion。 Still more; Yu Jin led the armies to a new camping ground behind the hills some three miles north of Fancheng。 There his own army prevented munication by the main road; while he sent Pang De into a valley in the rear so that Pang De could do nothing。

To Guan Ping's great joy; Guan Yu's wound soon healed。 Soon after they heard of Yu Jin's new camp; and as Guan Ping could assign no reason for the change; and suspected some ruse; he told his father; who went up to a high place to reconnoiter。

Looking round; Guan Yu noted that there seemed much slackness about everything………from flags to soldiers………in Fancheng; that the relief armies were camped in a valley to the north; and that River Xiang seemed to run very swiftly。 After impressing the topography on his mind; he called the guides and asked the name of the gully about three miles north of the city。

〃Zengkou Stream;〃 was the reply。

He chuckled。

〃I shall capture Yu Jin;〃 said he。

Those with him asked how he knew that。

He replied; 〃Why; how can any fish last long in such a trap?〃

Those in his train g

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