第74部分(1 / 7)

Just as Yuan Shao's army was starting; Tian Feng sent out a remonstrance from his prison cell; saying; 〃My lord; a hasty attack in full scale will bring disaster to our army。 It is best now to wait upon such times as Heaven should appoint。〃

Peng Ji said to Yuan Shao; 〃Why does this Tian Feng utter ill…omened words? My lord is sending forth an army in the cause of humanity and justice。〃

Easily moved to anger; Yuan Shao was going to execute Tian Feng; but this time he forbore at the entreaties of many of his officers。

However; he was not appeased; for he said; 〃I will punish Tian Feng when I return from conquering Cao Cao。〃

Meanwhile Yuan Shao hastened to start。 The banners of his host filled the horizon; their swords were as trees in the forest。 They marched to Yangwu and there made a strong camp。

Then Ju Shou once more opposed any hasty movement; saying; 〃Though our soldiers are many; they are not so bold as the enemy。 However; veterans as are the enemy; they have not ample supplies。 Therefore they will wish to force on a speedy battle; while our policy is to hold them off and delay。 If we can keep from a decisive battle long enough; the victory will be ours without fighting。〃

This advice did not appeal to Yuan Shao。

Said he; threateningly; 〃Tian Feng spoke discouraging words to my armies; and I will assuredly put him to death on my return。 How dare you follow in the same way?〃

Yuan Shao summoned the lictors and sent away the adviser in chains; saying; 〃When I have overe Cao Cao; then will I deal with you and Tian Feng together 〃

The huge army was camped in four divisions; one toward each point of the pass。 The camps were thirty miles in circuit。 Scouts and spies were sent out to discover the strong and 

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