第61部分(1 / 7)

But glory to him who died in vain。

Another poet wrote of the sad fate of Wang Zifu and his friends:

Greatheartedly these signed the silken roll;

And pledged themselves to save their king from shame。

Alas! Black death of them took heavy toll;

To write their names upon the roll of fame。

But the slaughter of the conspirators and their whole households did not appease the wrath of the Prime Minister。 The Emperor's consort was a sister of Dong Cheng; and; sword in hand; Cao Cao went into the Forbidden City determined to slay her also。 The Emperor cherished her tenderly; the more so as she was then in the fifth month of pregnancy。 That day; as they often did; the Emperor; Consort Dong; and Empress Fu were sitting in their private apartment secretly talking of the decree entrusted to Dong Cheng and asking each other why nothing seemed to have been done。 The sudden appearance of the angry Prime Minister; armed as he was; frightened them greatly。

〃Does Your Majesty know that Dong Cheng conspired against me?〃 said he。

〃Dong Zhuo died long ago;〃 replied the Emperor。

〃Not Dong Zhuo………Dong Cheng!〃 roared Cao Cao。

The Emperor's heart trembled; but he gasped out; 〃Really I did not know!〃

〃So the cut finger and the blood written decree are all forgotten; eh?〃

The Emperor was silent。 Cao Cao bade his lictors seize Consort Dong。 The Emperor interposed asking pity for her condition。

But Cao Cao said; 〃If Heaven had not interposed and defeated the plot; I should be a dead man。 How could I leave this woman to work evil to me by and by?〃

Said the Emperor; 〃Immure her in one of the palaces till her confinement。 Do not harm her now!〃

〃Do you wish me to spare her offspring to avenge the 

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