第62部分(5 / 7)

e。 Brother; you must reflect on these things。〃

〃Brother; you have spoken of three advantages; now I have three conditions。 If the Prime Minister concede these; then will I doff my armor。 If he refuses; then I prefer to be guilty of the three faults and die。〃

〃Why should the Prime Minister not concede them? He is most liberal and large minded。 I pray you let me hear your conditions。〃

〃The first is that as I and the Imperial Uncle have sworn to support the Hans; I now submit to the Emperor and not to His Prime Minister Cao Cao。 The second condition is that suitable provision be made for the two ladies under my care and that no one shall be allowed to approach them。 The third is that I shall be allowed to set off to rejoin Uncle Liu Bei so soon as I shall hear where he is; whether it be far or near。 I require all these to be satisfied。 Failing a single one; I will not submit。 Wherefore; Zhang Liao; I pray you hasten back and announce them。〃

Zhang Liao lost no time but rode back to Cao Cao。 When he spoke of Guan Yu's intention to submit to the Hans but not to Cao Cao; the latter laughed; saying; 〃As I am a minister of Han; so am I Han。 I grant that。〃

Zhang Liao then spoke of provision due to their rank and security from molestation for the ladies; to which Cao Cao replied; 〃I will give them twice the regular amount for an Uncle of the Emperor。 As for securing them from molestation; that is simple。 The ordinary domestic law is enough。 Why should there be any doubt?〃

Then said Zhang Liao; 〃Whenever he shall get news of the whereabouts of Liu Bei; he must go to him。〃

At this Cao Cao shook his head; saying; 〃Then I am merely to feed Guan Yu。 What is the use of this? I cannot consent。〃

Zhang Liao replied; 〃You must know of 

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