第138部分(2 / 7)

el and purge my country。 But it is the will of God!〃

Father and son were dragged forth; the father uttering volleys of abuse all the time。 And so three men were executed in this adventure。

The sons and father share one niche of fame;

For purest loyalty their praise the same。

To their own hurt the rebels they withstood;

Content to die to make their pledges good。

In blood the solemn oath they did indite

To slay the wicked and preserve the right。

A worthy father's worthy sons by western bride;

Old Waves Queller's name his grandson glorified。

〃I desire no other reward than Li Chunxiang as wife;〃 said the betrayer; Miao Ze。

Cao Cao smiled and said; 〃For her sake then you have brought a whole household to death。 What advantage would there be in preserving such a miscreant?〃

So Cao Cao bade the executioners put both the traitor and the woman to death; with Huang Kui's household。 Those who saw the fearful vengeance sighed at its cruelty。

Through passion base a loyal man was slain;

And she who shared his passion shared his fate;

The man they served was pitiless in hate;

And thus a mean man's treachery was vain。

Cao Cao did not desire to rouse the rancor of the army of Xiliang; wherefore he proclaimed to them; 〃The intended treachery of your leaders was theirs alone。〃

However; he sent to secure the passes so that Ma Dai should not escape。

As has been said; Ma Dai led the rearguard。 Before long the fugitives from the main army came and told him what had occurred at the capital。 This frightened him so much that he abandoned his army and escaped disguised as a trader。

Having slain Ma Teng; Cao Cao decided to set out on his expedition to the sout

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