第125部分(1 / 7)

und for his chief opponent。 Seeing a yellow flag moving along quietly; he concluded that Zhuge Liang was with it and so followed it。 When the flag had gone over the shoulder of a hill it stopped。 Then suddenly as if the earth had opened and swallowed it up; the four…wheeled carriage disappeared; while in its place came a ferocious warrior; with a long serpent halberd in his hand and mounted on a curvetting steed。 It was Zhang Fei; who dashed at Xing Darong with a tremendous roar。

Nothing daunted; Xing Darong whirled up his battle…ax and went to meet Zhang Fei。 But after four or five bouts; Xing Darong saw that there was no chance of victory for him; so he turned his horse and ran。 Zhang Fei pursued; the air shaking with the thunder of his voice。 Then the ambushing troops appeared。 Xing Darong; nothing daunted; rushed into their midst。

But in front appeared another warrior barring the way; who called out; 〃Do you know me? I am Zhao Yun of Changshan。〃

Xing Darong knew that all was over。 He could neither fight nor fly。 So he dismounted and gave in。 He was fettered and taken to camp; where were Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang。 Liu Bei ordered him out to execution; but Zhuge Liang hastily checked him。

〃We will accept your submission if you capture Liu Xiang for us;〃 said Zhuge Liang。

The captive accepted the offer without the least hesitation。

When Zhuge Liang asked how he intended to do it; he replied; 〃If you will set me free; I shall be cunning of speech。 If you raid the camp this evening; you will find me your helper on the inside。 I will make Liu Xiang a prisoner and will hand him over to you。 He being captured; his father will surrender at once。〃

Liu Bei doubted the good faith of the man; but Zhuge Liang said; 〃Xing Darong i

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