第99部分(1 / 7)

Zhuge Liang said; 〃My lord should not worry。 We have burned the army of Cao Cao at Bowang Slope; so we will see them fallen into another ruse in Xinye。 This is no place to live in。 We will move over to Fancheng。〃

Then notices were posted at all the gates that all the people; without any exception; were to follow their ruler at once to the new city to escape danger。 Boats were prepared and the people sent away under the direction of Sun Qian。 Mi Zhu saw to the safe conveyance of the families of the officials。

Then the officers assembled for orders。

Zhuge Liang gave directions; 〃Guan Yu is to go to the upper of the White River with one thousand troops。 His men are to carry bags to fill with sand and earth to dam the river till the enemy shall be heard; about the third watch next day。 Then the waters are to be freed to drown one of the armies。 He is then to march down river。

〃Zhang Fei is to go to the Boling Ferry; where the current is slow。 After the waters of the White River have been let loose on Cao Cao's soldiers; they will try to get over the river at the ferry。 They are to be attacked by Zhang Fei and his one thousand troops。

〃Zhao Yun is to divide three thousand troops into four parties and take one to the east gate。 The other three are for the other gates。 The roofs of the houses within the city walls are piled with sulfur; saltpeter; and other bustibles。 The intention is to set fire to the city when the army of the enemy has entered it for shelter。 There will be a strong breeze next day in the evening which will fan the flames。 When this wind begins to blow; fire arrows are to be shot into the city from all sides。 When the flames are high; there is to be a great shouting outside to add to the general terror。 The east gate is

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