第113部分(1 / 7)

t their prows pointed east and to go closer in so that many arrows might hit them。

Zhuge Liang ordered the drums to be kept beating till the sun was high and the fog began to disperse; when the boats got under way and sailed down stream。 The whole twenty boats were bristling with arrows on both sides。

As they left; Zhuge Liang asked all the crews to shout derisively; 〃We thank you; Sir Prime Minister; for the arrows!〃

They told Cao Cao; but by the time he came; the light boats helped by the swift current were seven miles long down the river and pursuit was impossible。 Cao Cao saw that he had been duped and was very sorry; but there was no help for it。

On the way down Zhuge Liang said to his panion; 〃Every boat must have five or six thousand arrows and so; without the expenditure of an ounce of energy; we must have more than ten myriad arrows; which tomorrow can be shot back again at Cao Cao's army to his great inconvenience。〃

〃You are really superhuman;〃 said Lu Su。 〃But how did you know there would be a thick fog today?〃

〃One cannot be a leader without knowing the workings of heaven and the ways of earth。 One must understand the secret gates and the interdependence of the elements; the mysteries of tactics and the value of forces。 It is but an ordinary talent。 I calculated three days ago that there would be a fog today; and so I set the limit at three days。 Zhou Yu would give me ten days; but neither artificers nor materials; so that he might find occasion to put me to death as I knew。 But my fate lies with the Supreme; and how could Zhou Yu harm me?〃

Lu Su could not but agree。 When the boats arrived; five hundred soldiers were in readiness on the bank to carry away the arrows。 Zhuge Liang bade them go on board the b

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