第206章 月之影(1 / 1)

利佳薇站在舞臺中央,演唱的是這首《moonlight shadow》:“ ...... The trees that whisper in the evening夜晚樹林低語 Carried away by a moonlight shadow 沉浸在月影中 Sing a song of sorrow and grieving唱著哀傷苦惱之歌 Carried away by a moonlight shadow沉浸在月影中 All she saw was a silhouette of a gun她只目睹那把槍的輪廓 Far away on the other side.就在河遠遠的另一岸 He was shot six times by a man on the run一個男人在逃跑中對他連開了六槍 And she couldn't find how to push through而她不知如何是好 ...... ” 利佳薇天使般清澈乾淨的嗓音,將這首歌演繹得宛如天籟。 現場都聽醉了,大家盡情地為她歡呼。 利佳薇笑著鞠躬,與李子淳一個深情擁抱之後便退下了。 李子淳這才站起身,用英文笑著說道:“到了今晚的最後一個單元了,十首英文歌曲送給在場的各位,願各位遠道而來的朋友有一個愉快的夜晚。” 然後李子淳站在舞臺中央,在無數集中的聚光燈下用女聲唱起了這首《Someone like you》:“ ...... Never mind, I'll find someone like you算了算了,我會找一個像你的他 I wish nothing but the best for you, too我對你我除了祝願,別無他意 Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said不要忘記我,我懇求你,我記得你說過 Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead有時候愛情一直美滿,但有時卻如此疼痛 ......” 然後在現場他畫的漫天梵高般的星辰裡唱起了這首《Vincent》:“ Starry, starry night 繁星點點的夜裡 paint your palette blue and gray畫出你調色盤裡的藍與灰 look out on a summer's day在夏日裡出外探訪 with eyes that know the darkness in my soul.用你那洞悉我靈魂幽暗處的雙眼 Shadows on the hills山丘上的陰影 ......” 然後在這片星海里,他用清澈甜美的女聲唱起了這首《Wonderful U》:“...... I should be waiting 我應該等待 Waiting for someone new 等待一個新的人(進入我的生命) Even though that it wasn't you 即使那個人不是你 But I know that it's 但我知道 Wonderful這太美好 Incredible 太不可思議 Baby irrational 甚至不合情理 I never knew it was obsessional我沒有想到這種感覺如此難以抗拒 And I never knew it was with you oooh沒有想過是你和我一同深陷其中 ......” 唱完之後,他稍稍停了一會兒,等樂隊上臺之後唱起了這首《Complicated》:“...... Why the hell you have to go and make things so plicated?為什麼你要把事情搞得這麼複雜? I see the way you're, actin' like you're somebody else我能看出你在偽裝 Gets me frustrated你現在的樣子讓我感到失望 Life's like this you你的生活就是這樣 You fall and you crawl and you break儘管你會跌倒、會掙扎、會崩潰這章沒有結束,請點選下一頁繼續閱讀!

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