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into a hole and came to the ground; sending me and my loaded gun on to my head some five or six yards further on。 I had hardly e to my senses and caught my horse when I saw an oribe pass like a flash of light; taking great bounds。 I turned and went away after him; and I must say I never had a more exciting ride in my life。 Away we went like the wind; over hill and down dale; and very dangerous work it was; for being all through long grass the holes were hidden。 Every now and then I felt my horse give a violent shy or a bound; and then I knew we had nearly got into some bottomless pit; if we had; going at that rate the horse would most likely have broken his legs or I my neck。 And so on for about two miles; I gaining very slowly; but still gaining on the buck; when suddenly down he popped into a bush。 It is curious how rarely one does the right thing at the right time。 If I had done the right thing I should have got my buck — but I didn’t。 Instead of getting off and walking him up; I sent one barrel into the bush after him and gave him the other as he rose。 By this means I hit him very hard but did not kill him。 However; I made sure of him and struck the spurs into my horse to catch him。 To my surprise he only gave a jump; and I found myself embedded in a bog whilst my wounded buck slowly vanished over a rise。 I went back in a sweet temper; as you may imagine。

We also hunt with hounds; and get very good runs sometimes。 I very nearly lost my watch and chain in one the other day。 I was tearing along at full gallop through the long grass when I thought I felt an extra weight at the end of my whip which was resting on the pommel of my saddle。 I looked down and saw my watch and chain hanging to it。 It was what one may call a lucky escape。 。 。 。 There is little news

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