? But the thing is very subtle; and I am by no means certain that I make my meaning clear。 Moreover; it could be argued in a dozen ways; and as these dream…pictures are merely given as a curiosity in which I have no personal faith; it is not worth while to waste time in discussing them。 Here they are:
During the past few months there have e to me; generally between sleeping and waking; or so it seemed; certain pictures。 These pictures; it would appear; might be attributed to either of the three following causes:
(1) Memories of some central incident that occurred in a previous incarnation。
(2) Racial memories of events that had happened to forefathers。
(3) Subconscious imagination and invention。
Probably the last of these alternatives is the one which most people would accept; since it must be remembered that there is nothing in any one of these tableaux vivants which I could not have imagined — say as an incident of a romance。
Now; before I forget them; I will describe the pictures as well as I can。
1。 A kind of bay in a thicket formed of such woods as are mon in England today; especially hazel; as they would appear towards the end of June; in full leaf but still very green。 A stream somewhere near。 At back; in a tall bank; something like the Bath Hills;29 the mouth of a cavern。 About thirty feet from this a rough hut made of poles meeting on a central ridge (I have forgotten how it was thatched)。 In front of the hut a fire burning; and an idea of something being cooked by a skin…clad woman; I standing by; a youngish man; tall; children playing round; and notably a boy of about ten standing on the hither side of the fire; his nakedness half covered by the pelt of some animal; his skin; as he lifts his arms; very white。 A