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boiled Spanish onions before he went to rest; and it was Wright’s business to see that those onions were there。 One unlucky night; however; after a particularly exhausting meeting they arrived at the hotel; where all the attendants had gone to bed; to find two very massive onions reposing on the plate as usual; but just as they had left; not the saucepan; but their mother earth!

Of the row that ensued the captain spoke to me in the hushed voice of awe。31

30 General Booth said to me — more than once: “Ah! but you would look grand in my uniform。” Whereto I would reply quite truly that I was not fit to wear that wedding garment; or words to that effect。 — H。 R。 H。

The old General wrote as follows about my book; “Regeneration。” The letter is a very good specimen of his fine; bold handwriting; although at that time his sight was already feeble。

International Headquarters;

London; E。C。: December 10; 1910。

My dear Rider Haggard; — I have just read “Regeneration。” It is admirable。 You have not only seen into the character and purpose of the work we are trying to do; with the insight of a true genius; but with the sympathy of a big and generous soul。 From my heart I thank you。

May the blessing of the living God rest upon you; and on Mrs。 Haggard and on your daughters; both for this life and the life to e。

Believe me;

Yours very sincerely;

William Booth。

Rider Haggard; Esq。; J。P。

On May 20; 1912; the General wrote to me; saying that he was to undergo at once an operation for cataract on his remaining eye; one being already blind。

The signature to this touching letter; written just before his last illness; for death followed on the heels of that operation; is somewhat irregular; for then

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