第87部分(1 / 7)

the Holy Mount and of the veiled and throbbing Glory that broods thereon。 A vain fancy of the striving heart; the reader will perhaps declare; and it may be so; though I pray that it is not。

There would seem also to be some external evidence which goes to support the doctrine of the continuance of the personality beyond the changes of death。 Spiritualism I do not include; since although many people; some of them of great intellect and high character; believe in it; and I know well that whatever it may be it is not all fraud; however much it may be mixed with fraud; I am by no means satisfied as to the real origin of its phenomena。 Without expressing any definite opinion; at times I incline to the view that it also is but a device of the Devil; by specious apparitions and the exhibition of an uncanny knowledge which may be one of his attributes; to lead heart…sick mortals into regions they were not meant to travel and there infect them with the microbe of some alien; unknown sin。

On one point; however; I am clear。 Whether or no it is lawful for trained and scientific minds to enter on these dangerous investigations in the interests of a search for some truth which it may be intended; in the fulness of time shall be revealed for the guidance and benefit of the world; the majority of men and women; especially if they be young; will do well to leave them quite alone。 The risks are too many; and the fruits of such research; however golden they may seem; are apt to be unsatisfying; if not deadly。 The parable of Eve and the forbidden apple of the Tree of Knowledge; from the eating of which came death and sorrow; still has applications in these latter days。 Once I tried to point this moral in a tale I wrote which is named “Stella Fregelius。”

Nor can we 

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