第8部分(6 / 7)

 on; though there was nothing to show them what was the exact direction of this unknown tunnel。

And they would no doubt have gone farther still; if they had not suddenly e to the end of the wide road which they had followed since their entrance into the mine。

The gallery ended in an enormous cavern; neither the height nor depth of which could be calculated。 At what altitude arched the roof of this excavation……at what distance was its opposite wall…… the darkness totally concealed; but by the light of the lamp the explorers could discover that its dome covered a vast extent of still water…… pond or lake……whose picturesque rocky banks were lost in obscurity。

〃Halt!〃 exclaimed Ford; stopping suddenly。 〃Another step; and perhaps we shall fall into some fathomless pit。〃

〃Let us rest awhile; then; my friends;〃 returned the engineer。 〃Besides; we ought to be thinking of returning to the cottage。〃

〃Our lamp will give light for another ten hours; sir;〃 said Harry。

〃Well; let us make a halt;〃 replied Starr; 〃I confess my legs have need of a rest。 And you; Madge; don't you feel tired after so long a walk?〃

〃Not over much; Mr。 Starr;〃 replied the sturdy Scotchwoman; 〃we have been accustomed to explore the old Aberfoyle mine for whole days together。〃

〃Tired? nonsense!〃 interrupted Simon Ford; 〃Madge could go ten times as far; if necessary。 But once more; Mr。 Starr; wasn't my munication worth your trouble in ing to hear it? Just dare to say no; Mr。 Starr; dare to say no!〃

〃Well; my old friend; I haven't felt so happy for a long while!〃 replied the engineer; 〃the small part of this marvelous mine that we have explored seems to show that its extent is very considerable; at least in length。〃

〃In width and in depth

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