bank。 A boatman awaited them。 Nell and her friends took their seats; the sail was spread; it quickly filled before the northwesterly breeze; and they sped on their way。
What a new sensation was this for the maiden! She had been rowed on the waters of Lake Malcolm; but the oar; handled ever so lightly by Harry; always betrayed effort on the part of the oarsman。 Now; for the first time; Nell felt herself borne along with a gliding movement; like that of a balloon through the air。 The water was smooth as a lake; and Nell reclined in the stern of the boat; enjoying its gentle rocking。 Occasionally the effect of the
moonlight on the waters was as though the boat sailed across a glittering silver field。 Little wavelets rippled along the banks。 It was enchanting。
At length Nell was overe with drowsiness; her eyelids drooped; her head sank on Harry's shoulder……she slept。 Harry; sorry that she should miss any of the beauties of this magnificent night; would have aroused her。
〃Let her sleep!〃 said the engineer。 〃She will better enjoy the novelties of the day after a couple of hours' rest。〃
At two o'clock in the morning the boat reached Granton pier。 Nell awoke。 〃Have I been asleep?〃 inquired she。
〃No; my child;〃 said James Starr。 〃You have been dreaming that you slept; that's all。〃
The night continued clear。 The moon; riding in mid…heaven; diffused her rays on all sides。 In the little port of Granton lay two or three fishing boats; they rocked gently on the waters of the Firth。 The wind fell as the dawn approached。 The atmosphere; clear of mists; promised one of those fine autumn days so delicious on the sea coast。
A soft; transparent film of vapor lay along the horizon; the first sunbeam would dissipate it; to t