第13部分(1 / 7)

〃You know well enough; Jack。〃

〃What? the old story?〃

〃Yes; the same thoughts haunt me。〃

〃Ah; poor fellow!〃 said Jack; shrugging his shoulders。 〃If you would only do like me; and set all the queer things down to the account of the goblins of the mine; you would be easier in your mind。〃

〃But; Jack; you know very well that these goblins exist only in your imagination; and that; since the works here have been reopened; not a single one has been seen。〃

〃That's true; Harry; but if no spirits have been seen; neither has anyone else to whom you could attribute the extraordinary doings we want to account for。〃

〃I shall discover them。〃

〃Ah; Harry! Harry! it's not so easy to catch the spirits of New Aberfoyle!〃

〃I shall find out the spirits as you call them;〃 said Harry; in a tone of firm conviction。

〃Do you expect to be able to punish them?〃

〃Both punish and reward。 Remember; if one hand shut us up in that passage; another hand delivered us! I shall not soon forget that。〃

〃But; Harry; how can we be sure that these two hands do not belong to the same body?〃

〃What can put such a notion in your head; Jack?〃 asked Harry。

〃Well; I don't know。 Creatures that live in these holes; Harry; don't you see? they can't be made like us; eh?〃

〃But they ARE just like us; Jack。〃

〃Oh; no! don't say that; Harry! Perhaps some madman managed to get in for a time。〃

〃A madman! No madman would have formed such connected plans; or done such continued mischief as befell us after the breaking of the ladders。〃

〃Well; but anyhow he has done no harm for the last three years; either to you; Harry; or any of your people。〃

〃No matter; Jack;〃 replied Harry; 〃I am persuaded that th

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