第14部分(3 / 7)

。 It was impossible to say how long she might have been in that pit。

〃How many days had you been doadge。

Nell made no answer; she seemed not to understand the question。

〃How many days; do you think?〃

〃Days?〃 repeated Nell; as though the word had no meaning for her; and she shook her head to signify entire want of prehension。

Madge took her hand; and stroked it caressingly。 〃How old are you; my lassie?〃 she asked; smiling kindly at her。

Nell shook her head again。

〃Yes; yes;〃 continued Madge; 〃how many years old?〃

〃Years?〃 replied Nell。 She seemed to understand that word no better than days! Simon; Harry; Jack; and the rest; looked on with an air of mingled passion; wonder; and sympathy。 The state of this poor thing; clothed in a miserable garment of coarse woolen stuff; seemed to impress them painfully。

Harry; more than all the rest; seemed attracted by the very peculiarity of this poor stranger。 He drew near; took Nell's hand from his mother; and looked directly at her; while something like a smile curved her lip。 〃Nell;〃 he said; 〃Nell; away down there……in the mine……were you all alone?〃

〃Alone! alone!〃 cried the girl; raising herself hastily。 Her features expressed terror; her eyes; which had appeared to soften as Harry looked at her; became quite wild again。 〃Alone!〃 repeated she; 〃alone!〃……and she fell back on the bed; as though deprived of all strength。

〃The poor bairn is too weak to speak to us;〃 said Madge; when she had adjusted the pillows。 〃After a good rest; and a little more food; she will be stronger。 e away; Simon and Harry; and all the rest of you; and let her go to sleep。〃 So Nell was left alone; and in a very few minutes slept profoundly。

This event caused a great se

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