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Philosophy of History
by Hegel
Table of Contents
O The subject of this course of Lectures is the Philosophical History of the World。
SECTION ONE: Original History
§ 1 They simply transferred what was passing in the world around them; to the realm of
representative intellect。
§ 2 The influences that have formed the writer are identical with those which have moulded the
events that constitute the matter of his story。
§ 3 What the historian puts into the mouths of orators is an uncorrupted transcript of their
intellectual and moral habitudes。
§ 4 Among the ancients; these annalists were necessarily great captains and statesmen。
SECTION TWO: Reflective History
§ 5 Reflective history's mode of representation is not really confined by the limits of the time to
which it relates。
___1 Universal History
§ 6 It is the aim of Universal History to gain a view of the entire history of a people or a country。
§ 7 History must foreshorten its pictures by abstractions。
___2 Pragmatical History