第21部分(1 / 7)

known revolt against the privilege of wealth (can I not remember spots in London where I have stood; savage with misery; looking at the prosperous folk who passed?); but I could never feel myself at one with the native poor among whom I dwelt。 And for the simplest reason; I came to know them too well。 He who cultivates his enthusiasm amid graces and forts may nourish an illusion with regard to the world below him all his life long; and I do not deny that he may be the better for it; for me; no illusion was possible。 I knew the poor; and I knew that their aims were not mine。 I knew that the kind of life (such a modest life!) which I should have accepted as little short of the ideal; would have been to them……if they could have been made to understand it……a weariness and a contempt。 To ally myself with them against the 〃upper world〃 would have been mere dishonesty; or sheer despair。 What they at heart desired; was to me barren; what I coveted; was to them for ever inprehensible。

That my own aim indicated an ideal which is the best for all to pursue; I am far from maintaining。 It may be so; or not; I have long known the idleness of advocating reform on a basis of personal predilection。 Enough to set my own thoughts in order; without seeking to devise a new economy for the world。 But it is much to see clearly from one's point of view; and therein the evil days I have treasured are of no little help to me。 If my knowledge be only subjective; why; it only concerns myself; I preach to no one。 Upon another man; of origin and education like to mine; a like experience of hardship might have a totally different effect; he might identify himself with the poor; burn to the end of his life with the noblest humanitarianism。 I should no further criticize him than to say that 

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