d and made my escape; still laughing as I ran upstairs。 “A good idea!” I thought with glee。 “I see I have the means of fretting him out of his melancholy for some time to e。”
Very early the next morning I heard him up and astir; wandering from one room to another。 As soon as Mary came doiss Eyre here?” Then: “Which room did you put her into? Was it dry? Is she up? Go and ask if she wants anything; and when she will e down。”
I came down as soon as I thought there was a prospect of breakfast。 Entering the room very softly; I had a view of him before he discovered my presence。 It was mournful; indeed; to witness the subjugation of that vigorous spirit to a corporeal infirmity。 He sat in his chair—still; but not at rest: expectant evidently; the lines of now habitual sadness marking his strong features。 His countenance reminded one of a lamp quenched; waiting to be re…lit— and alas! it was not himself that could now kindle the lustre of animated expression: he was dependent on another for that office! I had meant to be gay and careless; but the powerlessness of the strong man touched my heart to the quick: still I accosted him with what vivacity I could。
“It is a bright; sunny morning; sir;” I said。 “The rain is over and gone; and there is a tender shining after it: you shall have a walk soon。”
I had wakened the glow: his features beamed。
“Oh; you are indeed there; my skylark! e to me。 You are not gone: not vanished? I heard one of your kind an hour ago; singing high over the wood: but its song had no music for me; any more than the rising sun had rays。 All the melody on earth is concentrated in my Jane’s tongue to my ear (I am glad it is not naturally a silent one): all the sunshine I can feel is in her presence。”
The water stood i