第69部分(5 / 7)

小說:簡愛(英文版) 作者:向前

“I have kept myself; and; I trust; shall keep myself again。 What are you going to do with these gooseberries?” I inquired; as she brought out a basket of the fruit。

“Mak’ ‘em into pies。”

“Give them to me and I’ll pick them。”

“Nay; I dunnut want ye to do nought。”

“But I must do something。 Let me have them。”

She consented; and she even brought me a clean towel to spread over my dress; “lest;” as she said; “I should mucky it。”

“Ye’ve not been used to sarvant’s wark; I see by your hands;” she remarked。 “Happen ye’ve been a dressmaker?”

“No; you are wrong。 And now; never mind what I have been: don’t trouble your head further about me; but tell me the name of the house where we are。”

“Some calls it Marsh End; and some calls it Moor House。”

“And the gentleman who lives here is called Mr。 St。 John?”

“Nay; he doesn’t live here: he is only staying a while。 When he is at home; he is in his own parish at Morton。”

“That village a few miles off?


“And what is he?”

“He is a parson。”

I remembered the answer of the old housekeeper at the parsonage; when I had asked to see the clergyman。 “This; then; was his father’s residence?”

“Aye; old Mr。 Rivers lived here; and his father; and grandfather; and gurt (great) grandfather afore him。”

“The name; then; of that gentleman; is Mr。 St。 John Rivers?”

“Aye; St。 John is like his kirstened name。”

“And his sisters are called Diana and Mary Rivers?”


“Their father is dead?”

“Dead three weeks sin’ of a stroke。”

“They have no mother?”

“The mistress has been dead this mony a year。”

“Have you lived with the family long?”

“I’ve lived here thirty year。 I nursed 

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