第12部分(4 / 7)


I was meant to be among the pages of this illustrated manuscript that I

sadly heard was pleted today。 Unfortunately; on a cold winter’s day; the

Tatar courier who was carrying me as he crossed a rocky mountain pass was

ambushed by thieves。 First they beat the poor Tatar; then they robbed him and

raped him in a manner befitting thieves before mercilessly killing him。 As a

result; I know nothing about the page I’ve fallen from。 My request is that you

look at me and ask: “Were you perhaps meant to provide shade for Mejnun

disguised as a shepherd as he visited Leyla in her tent?” or “Were you meant to

fade into the night; representing the darkness in the soul of a wretched and

hopeless man?” How I would’ve wanted to plement the happiness of two

lovers who fled from the whole world; traversing oceans to find solace on an

island rich with birds and fruit! I would’ve wanted to shade Alexander during

the final moments of his life on his campaign to conquer Hindustan as he died

from a persistent nosebleed brought on by sunstroke。 Or was I meant to

symbolize the strength and wisdom of a father offering advice on love and life

to his son? Ah; to which story was I meant to add meaning and grace?

Among the brigands who’d killed the messenger and taken me with them;

dragging me headlong from mountain to mountain and city to city; there was

a thief who occasionally understood my worth; and had the refinement to

realize that looking at the drawing of a tree is more pleasant than looking at a

tree; but because he didn’t know to which story I belonged; he quickly ti

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