第34部分(2 / 7)

小說:綠裡奇蹟(英文版) 作者:蒂帆

son to take his seat in the witness's section was Curtis Anderson; Warden Moores's stand…in。

At eleven…thirty; I approached Delacroix's cell with Brutal and Dean walking slightly behind me。 Del was sitting on his bunk; with Mr。 Jingles in his lap。 The mouse's head was stretched forward toward the condemned man; his little oilspot eyes rapt on Del's face。 Del was stroking the top of Mr。 Jingles's head between his ears。 Large silent tears were rolling down Del's face; and it was these the mouse seemed to be peering at。 Del looked up at the sound of our footsteps。 He was very pale。 From behind me; I sensed rather than saw John Coffey standing at his cell door; watching。

Del winced at the sound of my keys clashing against metal; but held steady; continuing to stroke Mr。 Jingles's head; as I turned the locks and ran the door open。

〃Hi dere; Boss Edgebe;〃 he said。 〃Hi dere; boys。 Say hi; Mr。 Jingles。〃 But Mr。 Jingles only continued to look raptly up at the balding little man's face; as if wondering at the source of his tears。 The colored spool had been neatly laid aside in the Corona box … laid aside for the last time; I thought; and felt a pang。

〃Eduard Delacroix; as an officer of the court。。。〃

〃Boss Edgebe?〃

I thought about just running on with the set speech; then thought again。 〃What is it; Del?〃

He held the mouse out to me。 〃Here。 Don't let nothing happen to Mr。 Jingles。〃

〃Del; I don't think he'll e to me。 He's not … 〃

〃Mais oui; he say he will。 He say he know all about you; Boss Edgebe; and you gonna take him down to dat place in Florida where the mousies do their tricks。 He say he trust you。〃 He held his hand out farther; and I'll be damned if the mouse didn't step off his palm and onto my shoulder。 It was 

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