第9部分(2 / 7)

小說:綠裡奇蹟(英文版) 作者:蒂帆

dog。 And all the while he was eating; his eyes never left us。

〃Either one smart mouse or hungry as hell;〃 a new voice said。 It was Bitterbuck。 He had awakened and now stood at the bars of his cell; naked except for a pair of saggy…seated boxer shorts。 A home…rolled cigarette poked out from between the second and third knuckles of his right hand; and his iron…gray hair lay over his shoulders … once probably muscular but now beginning to soften … in a pair of braids。

〃You got any Injun wisdom about micies; Chief?〃 Brutal asked; watching the mouse eat。 We were all pretty fetched by the neat way it held the bit of corned beef in its forepaws; occasionally turning it or glancing at it; as if in admiration and appreciation。

〃Naw;〃 Bitterbuck said。 〃Knowed a brave once had a pair of what he claimed were mouse…skin gloves; but I didn't believe it!〃 Then he laughed; as if the whole thing was a joke; and left the bars。 We heard the bunk creak as he lay down again。

That seemed to be the mouse's signal to go。 It finished up what it was holding; sniffed at what was left (mostly bread with yellow mustard soaking into it); and then looked back at us; as if it wanted to remember our faces if we met again。 Then it turned and scurried off the way it had e; not pausing to do any cell…checks this time。 Its hurry made me think of the White Rabbit in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland; and I smiled。 It didn't pause at the door to the restraint room; but disappeared beneath it。 The restraint room had soft walls; for people whose brains had softened a little。 ent stored in there when we didn't need the room for its created purpose; and a few books (most were westerns by Clarence Mulford; but one…loaned out only on special occasions … featured a profusely illustrated t

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