第40部分(6 / 7)

小說:綠裡奇蹟(英文版) 作者:蒂帆

 Beer cans in the corners。

I went out through the kitchen; where dinner preparations were getting started。 〃What you got in that bag; Mr。 Edgebe?〃 Norton asked me。

〃It's an empty bottle;〃 I said。 〃I've discovered the Fountain of Youth down there in the woods。 I pop down every afternoon about this time and draw a little。 I drink it at bedtime。 Good stuff; I can tell you。〃

〃May be keepin you young;〃 said George; the other cook; 〃but it ain't doin shit for your looks。…〃

We all had a laugh at that; and I went out。 I found myself looking around for Dolan even though his car was gone; called myself a chump for letting him get so far under my skin; and crossed the croquet course。 Beyond it is a scraggy little putting green that looks ever so much nicer in the Georgia Pines brochures; and beyond that is a path that winds into the little copse of woods east of the nursing home。 There are a couple of old sheds along this path; neither of them used for anything these days。 At the second; which stands close to the high stone wall between the Georgia Pines grounds and Georgia Highway 47; I went in and stayed for a little while。

I ate a good dinner that night; watched a little TV; and went to bed early。 On many nights I'll wake up and creep back down to the TV room; where I watch old movies on the American Movie Channel。 Not last night; though; last night I slept like a stone; and with none of the dreams that have so haunted me since I started my adventures in literature。 All that writing must have worn me out; I'm not as young as I used to be; you know。

When I woke and saw that the patch of sun which usually lies on the floor at six in the morning had made it all the way up to the foot of my bed; I hit the deck in a hurry; so alarmed I hardl

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