第40部分(4 / 7)

小說:綠裡奇蹟(英文版) 作者:蒂帆

about a man who invented a time machine; and I have discovered that; in the writing of these memoirs; I have created my own time machine。 Unlike Wells's; it can only travel into the past … back to 1932; as a matter of fact; when I was the bull…goose screw in E Block of Cold Mountain State Penitentiary … but it's eerily efficient; for all that。 Still; this time machine reminds me of the old Ford I had in those days: you could be sure that it would start eventually; but you never knew if a turn of the key would be enough to fire the motor; or if you were going to have to get out and crank until your arm practically fell off。

I've had a lot of easy starts since I started telling the story of John Coffey; but yesterday I had to crank。 I think it was because I'd gotten to Delacroix's execution; and part of my mind didn't want to have to relive that。 It was a bad death; a terrible death; and it happened the way it did because of Percy Wetmore; a young man who loved to b his hair but couldn't stand to be laughed at … not even by a half bald little Frenchman who was never going to see another Christmas。

As with most dirty jobs; however; the hardest part is just getting started。 It doesn't matter to an engine whether you use the key or have to crank; once you get it going; it'll usually run just as sweet either way。 That's how it worked for me yesterday。 At first the words came in little bursts of phrasing; then in whole sentences; then in a torrent。 Writing is a special and rather terrifying form of remembrance; I've discovered … there is a totality to it that seems almost like rape。 Perhaps I only feel that way because I've bee a very old man (a thing that happened behind my own back; I sometimes feel); but I don't think so。 I believe that the bination of pencil 

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