meant he didn?t have to avoid talking to Lexie anymore。 ?That?s a good school。?
?Yeah; and I don?t ever have to wear a stupid Constance uniform again;? Jenny added excitedly;
already regretting how petulant and childish she sounded。 Then she remembered something that
wouldn?t make her sound childish at all。 She inched a little closer to Nate?s ear。 He smelled like
freshly laundered shirt and that heart…stoppingly delicious Herm?s cologne he always wore。 ?I
have a tab of E in my bag。 Someone gave it to me at the Croton School when I was visiting。 I
don?t even know if we can even split one tab; but ?? She smiled her coyest e…hither smile。
What a flirt; what a risk…taker the new; on…her…way…to…boarding…school Jenny Humphrey was!
Nate blinked。 Jennifer wasn?t just talking to him; she was flirting with him?hard。 What; did she
think he?d just gulp down a tab of E and hook up with her right in the middle of the Yale Club
lounge; surrounded by everyone he knew; including his ex…girlfriend Blair and his
he…wasn?t…really…sure…but…he…figured…she…was…probably…soon…to…be…ex…girlfriend Serena?
Had that ever stopped him before?
Nate had only taken Ecstasy a couple of times with Charlie; Anthony; and Jeremy; but both times
he?d enjoyed himself immensely。 There was nothing like that good; groovy; E feeling?until it wore
off and you were tired and dehydrated and just wanted to float in a bucket of Poland Spring。 He
was definitely feeling lower right now than he ever had in his entire life。 Maybe a little E with
little Jennifer Humphrey?who seemed to be getting even cuter with age?was just what he needed。
Jenny could see that Nate was tempted。 Empowered by her