第25部分(1 / 7)

Nate wound a strand of Blair’s hair around his finger and breathed

in the scent of her perfume。 It felt okay; standing there; holding her。

It felt like something he could do。 For now; and maybe forever。 He

didn’t need Serena。

He nodded。 “I promise。”

And then they kissed—a sad; soft kiss。 In her head; Blair could hear

the swell of music signaling the end of the scene。 It had started out

a little rocky; but at least the ending was okay。

“e on;” she said; pulling away and wiping the mascara smudges

from under her eyes。 “Let’s go see who’s here。”

Holding hands; they left the ladies’ room。 Kati Farkas smiled

knowingly as she tottered past them on the way in。

“You guys;” she scolded。 “Get a room!”

“This band rocks!” Serena shouted at Vanessa over the pounding

drum and bass。 She wriggled her butt from side to side in her chair;

her eyes shining。 Dan was having trouble breathing normally。 He’d

barely touched his drink。

Vanessa smiled; pleased that Serena liked the music。 Personally;

she hated it; although she’d never tell her sister Ruby that。

SugarDaddy was all about people dancing and sweating and

shaking their bodies around; which was definitely not Vanessa’s


She’d rather lie around in the dark listening to Gregorian chants or

whatever。 Yeehaw!

“e on;” Serena said; standing up。 “Let’s dance。”

Vanessa shook her head。 “That’s okay;” she said。 “You go。”

“Dan?” Serena said; tugging on his jacket sleeve。 “e on!”

Dan never; ever danced。 He was bad at it; and it made him feel like

a goofball。 He hesitated; glancing at Vanessa; who raised her black

eyebrows; challenging hi

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