第6部分(1 / 7)

and I had the best time reading it all。 Thanks so much。 Doesn’t it

feel good to be bad?

Your E…Mail

hey gossip girl; i heard about a girl up in New Hampshire who the

police found naked a field; with a bunch of dead chickens。 ew。 they

thought she was into some kind of voodoo shit or something。 do you

think that was S ? i mean it sounds like her; right? l8ter。 –catee3

Dear Catee3;I don’t know; but I wouldn’t be surprised。 S is a big fan

of chickens。 Once; in the park; I saw her eat a whole bucket of fried

chicken without stopping for air。 But supposedly she’d been hitting

the bong pretty heavily that day。—GG

Dear GG;My name starts with S and I have blond hair!!! I also just

came back from boarding school to my old school in NYC。 I was just

so sick of all the rules; like no drinking or smoking or boys in your

room。 :( Anyway; I have my own apartment now and I’m having a

party next Saturday—wanna e? :…)—S969

Dear S969; The S I’m writing about still lives with her parents like

most of us seventeen…year…olds; you lucky bitch。 —GG

whatsup; gossip girl? last night some guys I know got a handfull of

pills from some blond chick on the steps of the metropolitan

museum of art。 they had the letter S stamped all over them。

coincidence; or what? —N00name

Dear N00name;Whoa; is all I have to say。—GG


I and K are going to have a little trouble fitting into those cute

dresses they picked up at Bendel’s if they keep stopping in at the 3

Guys Coffee Shop for hot chocolate and French fries every day。 I

went in there myself to see what the fuss was about; and I guess I

could say

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