okay?” she said。
Chuck laughed and stood up; holding out his hand to her。 “Of course
it’s okay。 e on。”
Even though it was raining out and he was freezing his ass off; Nate
was in no hurry to get to Blair’s house。 It was pretty ironic; really。
Here he was; a seventeen…year…old guy; about to have sex with his
girlfriend for the first time (hers; anyway)。 He should have been
She must know by now; he kept telling himself; over and over and
over。 How could she not? The whole city had to know by now that
he had had sex with Serena。 But if Blair knew; then why hadn’t she
said anything?
Thinking about it was driving Nate insane。
He ducked into a liquor store on Madison Avenue and bought a half
pint of Jack Daniels。 He’d already smoked a little joint at home; but
he’d need a shot of courage before he saw Blair。 He had no idea
what he was in for。
Nate walked the rest of the way as slowly as he could; taking
surreptitious sips from the bottle。 Just before turning down Seventy…
second Street to her apartment; he bought Blair a rose。
Chuck ordered another round of drinks from the bar; and Serena
followed him into the elevator and up to the Basses’ ninth…floor
suite。 It looked exactly the same as it always had: living room with
entertainment center and bar; huge bedroom with king…sized bed
and another entertainment center; as if they needed two; huge
marble bathroom with hot tub and two fluffy white bathrobes。 That
was other great thing Serena loved about hotels—the bathrobes。
Doesn’t everyone?
On the coffee table in the living room was a pile of photographs。
Serena recog