第20部分(1 / 7)

breathed in the scent of her own barf。 Gagging; she threw the

covers back and ran to the bathroom。 She clutched the rim of her

white porcelain sink and heaved into it; her sides hurting with the

effort。 Nothing came out。 Serena turned on the shower as hot as it

would go and pulled her clammy Pucci dress over her head;

dropping it on the floor。 All she needed was a good hot shower and

a little exfoliant。

Tomorrow she’d be good as new。

Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events havebeen altered or abbreviated to protect the innocent。 Namely; me。

hey people!


Can you believe N? He was thisclose to getting a nice slice of B pie;

if you know what I mean。 I guess we’re supposed to admire his self…

control; his ability to keep the old hot dog in the bun。 But I bet B

really wouldn’t have minded too much if N had just kept his mouth

shut and got on with it instead of getting all moral on her and telling

her all about his time with S。 I mean; who’s B going to lose it to


I was wrong about boys。 I always thought they’d do anything to bag

a virgin。 I mean; I thought N would like the idea that B has never

done it。 But he doesn’t seem to care about that at all。 All it does is

make having sex with her this huge thing that he can’t deal with

without smoking a big fattie and downing half a bottle of JD。 So


Not that he was too quick to jump S’s bones either; and we all know

she’s no virgin。

Maybe N just has high moral standards。

Ooh; that makes me like him even more。

Your E…mail

Hey gossip girl;i saw S go upstairs with some dude at 

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