第14部分(4 / 7)

nd a fat little

boy with nothing to hold onto but Serena’s coat; which he kept

grabbing every time the train lurched forward。 Marjorie was holding

onto the rail above their heads; but only her fingertips could reach

it; and she kept staggering backwards; stepping on people’s feet。

“Don’t you think Dan is majorly cute?” Marjorie asked Serena。 “I

can’t wait until we start filming。 I’ll get to hang out with him every


Serena smiled。 Obviously Marjorie thought she’d gotten the part;

which was a little sad; because Serena was absolutely sure that she

had the part。 She had totally nailed it。

Serena imagined getting to know Dan。 She wondered which school

he went to。 He had dark; haunting eyes; and he said his lines like he

meant them。 She liked that。 They’d have to practice quite a bit

together after school。 She wondered if he liked to go out; and what

he liked to drink。

The train came to a sudden stop at Fifty…ninth Street and Lexington

—Bloomingdale’s。 Serena fell forward onto the little boy。

“Ouch;” he said; glaring up at her。

“This is my stop;” Marjorie said; pushing her way to the door。 “Sorry

if you didn’t get the part。 I’ll see you at school tomorrow。”

“Good luck!” Serena called。 The subway car emptied out and she

slid into a seat; her mind still on Dan。

She imagined drinking Irish coffees with him in dark cafés and

discussing Russian literature。 Dan looked like he read a lot。 He could

give her books to read and help her with her acting。 Maybe they’d

even bee friends。 She could use some new ones。

Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events havebeen altered or abb

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