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小說:託福閱讀1000詞 作者:溫暖寒冬

 in which most scientists formerly believed the area to be inhospitable for humans。 這個假設在近年得到越來越多的支援,因為距今10000至12500年的體積較大的陸生動物遺骸在阿拉斯加東南部被發現,而大部分科學家以前曾認為這一時期此地是不適宜人類居住的。

要點 inhospitable在閱讀文章裡常用來描述環境、氣候等不適宜居住。例如:This area is inhospitable for humans and animals。

inspire[in'spai?r]v。 鼓舞,激勵;給…以靈感

例句 1。 The success of these geologists inspired others to focus on the rock and fossil records found in different parts of the world。 這些地質學家的成功鼓舞了其他人專注於研究在世界各地找到的岩石和化石記錄。

2。 Perhaps the paintings were inspired by the need to increase the supply of animals as food。 或許這些畫作的靈感來源是對作為食物的動物的需求增加。

3。 Thomas Edison's design of the Kinetoscope inspired the invention of large screen projection。 托馬斯·愛迪生設計的電影放映機啟發了大螢幕投影儀的發明。

同義 stimulate(v。 鼓舞,激勵)

要點 inspire除了可以表示“創作靈感的激發”以外,如例句所示,在託福閱讀考試中,還可以表示“推動…的發展”的含義。

interpret[in't?:rprit]v。 解釋,說明;理解

例句 1。 Children may not be able to interpret exaggerated claims made by advertisers; not to say the disclaimers used to offset claims。 兒童也許沒法解讀廣告商們的誇張言論,更不用說那些用於推卸責任的免責宣告。

2。 The age of the earliest Aboriginal rock art has been established but how to interpret the rock art images is still debated。 早期原始岩石藝術的時代已經確立,然而對於如何解讀岩石藝術還存在爭議。

3。 Sociologists regard primary groups as links between individuals and the larger society because they transmit; mediate; and interpret a society's cultural patterns。 社會學家將初級群體看做個人與大社會之間的聯絡,因為初級群體可以傳播、調解並解釋社會的文化形式。

interval['int?rvl]n。 間隔時間;間距;幕間(或工間)休息

搭配 at intervals 不時;相隔一定距離

例句 1。 If many species bee extinct within a geologically short interval of time; it is called mass extinctions。 如果在較短的地質間隔時期之內有大量物種滅絕,這種現象稱作大滅絕。

2。 When the elements were ordered by increasing atomic mass; it was found that successive elements belonged to

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