ei?n]n。 合作,協作
搭配 in cooperation with 與…合作
例句 1。 There was a lack of cooperation as farmers peted with each other for trade with distant areas。 由於農民們在與遠方地區的貿易中互相競爭,因此他們之間鮮有合作。
2。 There is an urgent need to strengthen international cooperation in time of the financial crisis。 在金融危機期間,迫切需要加強國際合作。
例句 Although many solutions to the uping water supply crisis have been proposed; none of them promises to keep a low cost of irrigation。 儘管提出了許多方法來解決即將來臨的供水危機,但這些方法都不能保證低廉的灌溉成本。
critic['kritik]n。 評論家,批評家
搭配 a music critic 音樂評論家
例句 Even tho