第31部分(1 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 9 英文 作者:白寒

wearing a plain gray suit and stiff navy tie; but his smile was so charming she was willing to

overlook his dorky office ensemble。

But would she be willing to overlook the dorky plaid box…ers he was probably wearing


?I?m just looking for this address;? Serena sighed; handing the stranger her keys with the number

169 painted on them in red。

Some girls really know how to work the damsel…in…distress thing。

?Well??he grinned; ?I think I know exactly where this building is。 Because I actually kind of live

there。? He extended a hand to help Serena to her feet。 ?Hey; I?m Jason Bridges。?

?Serena van der Woodsen;? she replied; smoothing her Kelly green Lily Pulitzer skirt; smiling

the sort of sly; wide…eyed…ingenue smile that Audrey Hepburn was famous for。

No wonder she got the part。

Just like Holly Golightly; Serena was a master of the

she…can?t…possibly…be…that…beautiful…and…that…innocent…allure that made guys flock to her。

?Well; Serena。? Jason bent down to pick up her two over…stuffed totes。 ?Let?s head on home。?

He unlocked the door to number 169; a white town house with black trim and ivy climbing up

the side of it。 He shoved the heavy old black door open to allow Serena to step inside first。

A true gentleman!

?So;? he began as the door slammed behind him。 ?You visiting Therese??

?No。? Serena frowned as she inspected the vestibule?s creaky wooden staircase; lit only by a

pretty but dim wrought…iron chandelier。 The whole place smacked of dead old lady; as though it

hadn?t been touched since its original owner died thirty years ago。 Yet it was still charming and

semi…grand; in its own way。 ?I?m moving in; I 

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