第21部分(1 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 9 英文 作者:白寒

sympathetic。 ?That?s too bad。?

?It?s just life in fashion。 Where are you; anyway??

?East Hampton。 My parents? place。 I?m doing some work for my coach down here; helping him

with his house。?

?I wish I could get away;? Blair replied dreamily。 ?Just for a minute。 But you know what it?s


?Yeah;? Nate agreed。 ?If you?re working; that?s how it goes。?

?Did I mention I?m doing wardrobe on that new movie?Breakfast at Fred?s ??

?Cool;? Nate intoned。 Why hadn?t she said anything about her engagement? ?So; you?re back

from London; I guess。?

?Oh; yes。? Blair sighed deeply; ?I had to get back to New York。 I decided this was the best way

to build up my r?sum? before we start Yale; you know; get some real; professional experience

under my belt。?

?That sounds like a good plan;? Nate agreed; suddenly wishing he?d rolled a joint before making

the call。 ?Especially now that you?re; you know; making plans for the future。?

?Aren?t you?? asked Blair。 ?You?ve got to think about what lies ahead; you know that; Nate;


?Right;? Nate agreed; even though he rarely thought farther ahead than whether to get a burrito

or pizza for dinner。 ?So; anyway; I guess I was just calling to say congratulations; you know。?

?Oh; it?s nothing。 Just a little summer job with one of the best designers in America。?

?I was talking about the engagement。 I heard everything。?

?Engagement?? Blair echoed。 ?Who have you been talking to??

?Chuck told me;? Nate admitted; pulling a pillow over his head。

?Chuck told you I was engaged?? Blair barked。 ?As usual; he?s got the story all wrong。?

?What do you mean?? Nate pulled the pillow off and sat

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