第7部分(2 / 6)

tart talking to the people there。

Dad was chatting up a farmer’s wife once,when I discovered this pig。。。

It was a nice pig。 But it only had three legs。 The right back leg was wooden! Well; I was as curious as could be; so I asked the farmer:

“Excuse me; sir。 Why does your pig have a wooden leg?”

“Well; boy。 That is a courageous pig。 The wife and me were asleep in the house one night; when that pig came running in and woke us up。 The whole place was ablaze。 We just got out alive。”

“And the pig got its leg burned up in the fire?”

“Nope。 Pig got out just fine。 Matter of fact; he even went back in and saved the kids。”

“Then why does the pig have a wooden leg?”

“I told you; boy。 That is a BRAVE pig! A heroic pig! That pig saved our lives!”

“Yes; sir。 But why does he have a wooden leg!”

“Boy; a pig like that; you don’t eat all in one sitting!”

花樣年華 第七章










Several international businessmen were on a conference cruise when the ship began to sink。 “Go and tell those fellows to put on life jackets and jump overboard;” the captain directed his first mate。

A few minutes later the first mate returned。 “Those guys won’t jump;”he reported。 “Take over;” the captain ordered, “and I’ll see what I can do。”

Returning moments later; he announced; “They’ve gone。”

“How’d you do it?” asked the first mate。

“I used psychology。 I told the Englishman it was the spo

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