nvinced that she had heard a prowler in the living room。 “Tiptoe downstairs;” she told her husband。 “Don’t turn on the lights。 Sneak up him before he knows what’s happening。”
Dutifully; Mr。 Culkin put on his robe。 Just as he reached the bedroom door; his wife added; “And when you e back; bring me a glass of milk。”
每當鄰居家的男子向羅賓遜家走來的時候, 羅賓遜就知道他一定又是來借東西的。
“這次他什麼也別想借走。”羅賓遜朝他的妻子小聲嘀咕道。書 包 網 txt小說上傳分享
聰明人生 第五章(2)
Every time the man next door headed toward Robinson’s house; Robinson knew he was ing to borrow something。
“He won’t get away with it this time;” muttered Robinson to his wife。
“Er; I wonder if you’d be using your power…saw this morning;” the neighbor began。
“Oh; I’m terribly sorry;” said Robinson with a smug look; “but the fact of the matter is; I’ll be using it all day。”
“In that case;” said the neighbor; “you won’t be using your golf clubs; mind if I borrow them?”
一個人在商場碰到了他的醫生。他停下來問道:“6個星期前, 我去你的辦公室,你說讓我回家臥床等待你的到來,可是你卻沒來。”
You Never Called
A guy spots his doctor in the mall。 He stops him and says; “Six weeks ago when I was in your office; you told me to go home; get into bed and stay there until you called。 But you never called。”
“I didn’t?” the doctor says。 “Then what are you doing out of bed?”
地 坑
這條馬路並不繁華, 偶爾才會有汽車從農場經過。靠近農場大門口的馬路中間有一個大坑。