花樣年華 第一章(1)
領 養
Teacher Debbie Moon’s first graders were discussing a picture of a family。
One little boy in the picture had a different color hair from the other family members。 One child suggested that maybe he was adopted。
A little girl named Jocelyn Jay said; “I know all about adoptions; because I was adopted。”
“What does it mean to be adopted? ” asked another child。
Jocelyn replied;“It means that you grew in your mommy’s heart instead of her tummy。”
Scotsman & Ticket Collector
A Scotsman; carrying a huge suitcase; has been riding a London bus for five miles along its route; all the while attempting to avoid the ticket collector。
Finally; the conductor manages to corner him and tells him to pay up:“You’ve been on for five miles—that’ll be 50 pennies; please; and 10 pennies for your suitcase。”
The Scotsman responds:“I haven’t; I want to have a penny fare; just got on this very moment。” They begin to argue; and the ticket collector bee more and more enraged and finally; as the bus is passing over London bridge; he grabs the Scotsman’s suitcase; and hurls it out of the bus。
It lands in the river and sinks without a trace。 The Scotsman stands shocked for a moment and say