第17部分(2 / 7)

a grudge against someone so lovely and

talented; and that she was wele any time。

?What are you doing back in the city?? She grabbed a white towel and wrapped it around her


The little man folded up his sunglasses and put them into his pocket。 ?The Hamptons get so dull

at the end of the summer。 All the fun?s here in the city!? He waved his petite hands in the air。 ?You

certainly are at the center of all the action?I can?t believe my little Serena is being a big; big

movie star!? He shrieked and grabbed her hands。 ?I just went to a screening ofBreakfast at Fred?s ;

and of course the costumes areto die for ; if I do say so myself; but you; my dear; are the icing on

the German chocolate cake!? he added; pinching Stefan?s toned behind; apropos of nothing。

Liz Taylor was lounging on a deck chair a few feet away with a little white Chihuahua curled at

her feet。 She looked up from her copy of ItalianVogue ; and her dog jumped down to sniff

Cristobal?s butt curiously。

That?s one way to say hello。

?Serena van der Woodsen; fromBreakfast at Fred?s ?? the woman demanded loudly in an

imperious Spanish accent。 So she wasn?t Liz Taylor after all。 ?I thought you looked familiar。 I

absolutelyadored that movie。 。 。 。? A crowd began to form around Serena。 Suddenly it hit Nate that

she was starring in a big…time film; and that she was about to bee really famous; a movie star。

He wondered if from now on it was going to be like this all the time; getting stopped on the street;

mobbed by fans; paparazzi following them everywhere。 Serena smiled shyly as she autographed

someone?s towel。 He could already see the gossip columns; wondering why the acpli

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