with surprise。
?Jenny!? she exclaimed rushing over and folding her daughter into her tentlike arms; ?You?re
here! You didn?t burn my apartment down; did you?? ?Nope。 I just wanted to be with you guys。?
She squeezed her mother back。 Dan watched as his mom smoothed back Jenny?s unruly nest of
hair and kissed her on the forehead。 He couldn?t help but be touched at Jenny?s optimistic; girlish
enthusiasm。 If his being gay had brought his family together; maybe it wasn?t such a bad thing
after all。
?Such a sweetheart。? Jeanette touched Jenny?s face with her palm。 ?I?ll make some oolong。? She
breezed past Dan; stopping to smooth his hair like a mother who?d been smoothing hair all her
Tea? That probably meant girl talk。 And Dan wasn?t sure he was ready to be one of the
girls。 ?I?m going to bed;? he announced; shuffling toward his room。
?See you in a few hours;? Jenny replied with a yawn; stretching as she followed their mom into
the kitchen。
??Night; baby!? Jeanette called out from the kitchen sink; where she was busily filling the kettle
with water。
Dan walked into his room and shut the door; then climbed into the empty bed。 He could hear his
mom and sister chattering away in the kitchen; whispers interspersed with the occasional giggle。
How could they have so much energy this late at night? He?d never understand women。 But then
again; he barely understood himself。 Dan sighed and watched the night change from purple to gray
in the early morning light as he finally drifted into sleep; still wondering sleepily where Vanessa
was and if she was okay。
Aren?t we all。
ABC Ambe