第12部分(3 / 7)

self。 ?And then at that press conference yesterday; the director announced that he?s filming the

sequel toBreakfast at Fred?s in New York in a month and 。 。 。 I don?t know。 I just 。 。 。 I think I need

to stay here。? The minute the words left her lips; Serena knew they were true。 She wasn?t sure if

she?d ever really wanted to go to Yale; but she knew for certain she didn?t want to go to Yale

without Nate。 And from the way he was staring at her; it looked like the feeling was pletely


?Really?? Nate asked。 He?d been picturing himself as the only guy with a five o?clock shadow

taking Algebra I at St。 Jude?s。 But with Serena here; maybe he wouldn?t feel so out of place after

all。 It would be just like always?except without Blair。Wait; Blair。

Remember her?

But maybe he could still go visit Blair on weekends。 People did that; didn?t they? Like having an

apartment in the city and a house in the country。 When he thought about it that way; it all seemed

so simple。 Why hadn?t he thought of it before? He could spend weekdays with Serena and

weekends and holidays with Blair; and everyone would be happy。

Sounds like he?s thinking with the whole package。 ?Really。? She smiled and he pulled her closer。

Then; with his breath tickling her ear; he whispered; ?I love you too。? Aw。 So cute。 Unless you?re

a certain girl with newly implanted Warren Trii extensions。

v gets in touch with her wild side


Vanessa shook the golden hair from her face and squared her shoulders before opening the bar?s

heavy black door。 Coyote Ugly was basically a frat…boy bar ruled by domina…trixlike; Amazonian

female bartenders in cowboy hats。 The

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