第23部分(2 / 7)

 to Dan。 ?Like 。 。 。 I don?t know exactly;? he stammered; wishing the parquet floor

would just open up and swallow him whole。 His mother had traveled three thousand miles just to

give him a penis pastry? She was back because he?d e out of the closet? He was going tokill

Jenny for opening her little mouth。 Besides; what did penises have to do with anything? There was

nothing sexual about his conundrum。

Wasn?t there?

Rufus shrugged and took another bite of mustard…brown slop。 ?And here I thought Jeanie just

missed me?ha!? Dan?s hand flew to his chest in an unconscious and totally effeminate gesture。

Rufus continued; an insane…looking grin now plastered to his bearded face。 ?Well; you?ll

remember what you?re missing now; won?t you Jean…Jean? Andthen you?ll be sick of living like

royalty in Europe。? He shook the lime green apparatus at her and turned back to Dan。 ?Does this

mean I need to learn to cook quiche?? he asked。

?Anyway;? Jeanette sang out; ignoring her estranged husband as she began pulling what looked

like yards of magenta silk out of a large white box。 ?I brought you some gifts to mark this very

important transition into your new lifestyle。 Look!? She held up what appeared to be a fuchsia

pink jumpsuit with sparkling gold laces up the front。 As she excitedly held it up to Dan?s body; it

became immediately apparent that it was about ten sizes too small?which was only fitting; since

the last present she?d sent had been size…four lederhosen from D?sseldorf when he was ten。 Dan

closed his eyes again and silently wished that he and Vanessa hadn?t removed the ancient stacks of

newspapers today?maybe then the piles of clutter could have f

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